Monday, October 11, 2010

The 1982 Mercedes 280CE W123C....

Every once in a while we come across something which is truly rare and easy on the eyes,It was about 2 years ago. I remember sitting in-front of my computer on a Friday evening chatting with my now Ex-Girlfriend about some stuff, about some other stuff to do with ladies shoes or something like that. I was quite bored out of my mind and thought of kicking myself in the nuts so I clicked and opened another internet browser and was kind of two timing her in the conversation. While surfing threw some classic car websites and some online shoe shopping sites, I suddenly stumbled upon a 1982 Mercedes Benz W123C for sale. I told her something came up and discontinued the conversation(Just hit me.. Maybe that's why she became an Ex..). Anyways the car looked a bit aged and had weird 2 tone paint job.I picked up my mobile and quickly dialed the sellers number, A elderly Chinese guy picked up the phone and told me the magical words... CAR STILL AVAILABLE AND HIGHLY NEGOTIABLE... I quickly woke up my brother who was suffering from a hangover  because of the night before and went on to see the car.

The first view.

To be continued next week......