Monday, July 18, 2011

Back and Ready to start over again..... The BMW E36

Its been 8 months since I last wrote, time has definitely gone by quickly as it feels like it was just yesterday I started writing about car stuff . Well I have been busy with buying and selling of cars and  was just too darn lazy to write as I was happier having a couple of cold ones whenever there was time to spare.Unfortunately  my passion will always be cars and definitely not alcohol so I have decided to stay off the gold  bubbly liquid for a while to do something more productive and less hurtful to the wallet.
The BMW E36 is now a classic icon of the modern motoring era.  Produced from late 1990 till early 1999 this 3rd generation BMW 3 series was just simply awesome.The model range was massive, There were  puny engines from as low as 1.6cc for the fuel conscious motorist up too the ever victorious 3.2cc specially made for the wild or wild at heart. In Malaysia the 318i and the 328i range are the most common as it was locally assembled and it catered well for the locals in terms of price and specification . We will start with the 318i which was the cheapest new BMW on sale at the time, It had a 1.8cc engine( 113bhp)which was not too underpowered like the 316i 1.6 (99bhp) engine block but gave back pretty much the same fuel consumption figures and not to forget the Roadtax will only cost you RM315 per year. I used to drive a 328i as my personal car for a while and all I can say is that its hard to not break rules when your behind the wheel of such an magnificent piece of art .

The BMW E36 328i , As they say ` With great power there comes great responsibility' and not to forget greater Roadtax figures as it cost me RM1680 per year to keep this car on the road. Now why did I opt for the 328i rather then the 318i??? Because it`s Malaysia, A higher specification model with a higher cc(Airbags ,ABS and etc.) will depreciate much faster then a lower specification model(Umbrella,First aid kit,ETC.) . So i`m getting the best bang for my buck and I also get to do this once in a while....

Please don`t try this on public roads as speed kills and remember there is a Kancil somewhere waiting to cut in-front of you whenever you least expect it. Now since I have already given my safety speech and disclaimer we shall move forward. Below are the pictures of my lovely 328i and how she looked from day 1 till the day we went our separate ways.

Before she was gorgeous and sexy ...

After she got Sexy and before she left....

Well only had half an hour today so will blog more in a day or too.... Cheers... and semoga sihat selalu....